Monday, December 24, 2012

Spirit of the Season

Christmas has always been one of my favorite Holidays.  I love spending time with my family, I love watching the belief in Santa and I love family traditions. 

Last year I lost and skipped some because of my father's death and this year I am realizing that some of those will never come back.  He had a joy for the Holidays that just made you smile.  Because of that, I'm going to try and focus on the good and forget the bad. 

As a reminder I'm going to share a list of my Holiday Favorites.  I'd love to hear yours too.

Holiday Tradition Countdown
10. Watching kids open gifts and play with family.
9. Christmas morning family breakfast.
8. Presents for my puppies.
7. Christmas Family Pictures

6. Christmas Decorations
5. Pictures with Santa.
4. Family Dinners.
3. "A Christmas Story" Marathon (Dad, hated this one!)
2. Making an ornament for Eric and
1. New pajamas on Christmas Eve!

And now, two pictures that always bring a smile to my face and they feature two of my FAVORITE Santas....

Special Thanks Daddy and
Uncle Jeff for sharing your Holiday Cheer!

Happy Holidays One and All!

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