Monday, May 17, 2010

New Year's Resolve Tested

So, let’s do a quick recap of the New Year’s Resolutions:

1.) Continue to workout and achieve a BMI of 22 or lower.

Done and Done!  I have lost 30 pounds, have almost no clothing that looks fabulous on me and have just now hit BMI of 22.  Grade A for this resolution, F on having clothes that fit.

2.) Run a 5K. I don't just want to complete a 5K I realize I could more than likely do that at this moment, but I want to run one. Call it part of my competitive nature.

What the hell was I thinking?  I hate running.  Running is awful and I don’t like any part of it and don’t give me that when you’re in the zone it’s the best thing in the world bull crap.  It hurts and I hate it.  Running should only be done when something is chasing you, there are prizes to be won, or you just want out of a situation.  However, with all that being said.  I’m working on the Couch to 5K program and have made it to week 4. 

I will run a 5K this year.  Mark your calendars for September 5, 2010.  That would be the cheetah run at the Cincy Zoo.  I should have enough time to get the distance down and possibly even in an acceptable time.  I say mark your calendars for many reasons. 
1.) You can pray for me to actually survive. 
2.) You can laugh at me for doing something I completely hate just because I thought it was something I should accomplish in my lifetime. 
3.) You can head on down to the zoo to support me and the super cool animals are always a plus.

As far as how I’m doing with this goal I give myself a high C, but cannot possibly go any higher until running for a half hour doesn’t seem like it might kill me or I cross the finish line in September.

3.) Keep track of the books that I read for a whole year and read at least one book a month.

I have read 22+ books so far this year.  I believe that puts me well ahead of the one book a month goal, though I have also forgotten to record a few so I give myself a C- so far.  I also think the list needs to include a few more adult items and a few less youth lit options.  I did choose not to include the books I read every week to my K – 3 kiddos during an afterschool program.  That would have really lowered the grade level.

4.) Write in this blog at least every other month. No promises on the quality, but I know I'm going to need to clear my brain from time to time and I intend to use this blog to hold those thoughts.

Well, I meant for this to say once a month so that was already a failure in the inclusion to the list.  I didn’t even record it correctly.  Then I just fell off the blogger wagon.  I am a blog failure.  I greatly apologize and will try to turn this one around for the rest of the year, but don’t hold your breath.  Maybe if I set an alarm of some sort that told me post now! I would do it, but I even doubt that would get it done.  I’m going to start again with the goal of once a month and maybe if people call me out on not posting or have something in particular they want to hear about in my crazy life I’ll be able to pull it off.  Grade so far on this resolution….what’s lower than an F because that’s what I deserve.

Stay tuned, or check out…it’s up to you!

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