Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dinner Conversation

I have discovered that one of my many flaws, yes, flaws, is that I have little to no sensor and feel that anytime is a good time to share information that I find interesting. If you have ever had a face-to-face conversation with me then you know this is true. However, I have recently learned that many things come out of my mouth at the dinner table that no sane, or otherwise socially adept person would say. I will provide evidence.

Approximately two weeks ago the boy and I were at Applebee's having a rare dinner out together during which he told me his throat was feeling sore. There are many normal responses to this statement, such as, "Do you feel like you're coming down with something?", "Did you have to do more talking than normal today?", or even "I'm sorry, that sucks." I said "Did you know you can get gonorrhea in your throat?" It is probably for the best that instead of being shocked or horrified that I had said this aloud in a dining establishment he just said, "No, I did not know that." I followed with, "Well, generally you have to be immunocompromised first, but you still CAN get gonorrhea in your throat. I doubt that's what you have though, and if it is we probably need to be having a talk." Another winner of a comment at this dinner involved talking about one of my favorite books. I don't think the family dining behind us at all enjoyed my giddy excitement while describing the awesomeness of "Stiff" by Mary Roach, or the fact that my favorite chapter is about body farms. They were however, troopers and stuck it out through their entire dinner and even a dessert. I guess I'm not quite to the stage of scaring people away.

So, would you still like to join us for dinner?


HolyJuan said...

Sorry, I can't. I have a sore throat.

Wonder Monkey said...

Sounds like you and Miss Sally may need to have a talk. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget about the PAP smear and firemen conversation you had during my birthday dinner with your father.