Friday, January 23, 2009

Overprotective Puppy Parents

Dear Overprotective Yorkie Mom,

I sort of understood when your dog was still a very small puppy that you did not want her playing with larger dogs, however, she has grown up now. Your dog is literally 3lbs lighter than mine. What do you think he is going to do to her from 50ft on his leash. Really?! Must you always scoop her up and run inside as soon as you see another dog?

I get being protective. I might be, who am I kidding? I am, but I still let my dog meet other dogs. Let's be serious here...all dogs smell each others butts, all dogs sniff the ground when there is pee, and all dogs enjoy doing these things. Your little pampered pooch is no different and if you continue to snatch her up and run away from all interactions she's going to either become afraid of every other dog around, or become mean to every other dog. In the end its your choice, but I certainly hope we stop running into you while we're outside.

Overprotective, but Understanding Boston Mom


ettible said...

Seriously! Maybe you should let her sniff your butt to show her how enjoyable it is.

Wonder Monkey said...

I know you would think that poor Winston had the plague as quickly as she runs away from him. It's so bad that I don't even know the yorkie's name. Jerk mom.