Friday, January 23, 2009

Long Time No Post

I know it's been too long, but I warned you at the beginning of this adventure that I was a terrible guide. If you're still choosing to be here great, but I still make no promises that this site will be well managed, updated or even intelligent. With those warnings in place I am going to proceed to update on life...

Christmas came and went without any huge difficulties or pitfalls. It is always great to get through family gatherings without any fighting or issues. Santa was very good to Eric and I, especially, in the kitchen. If you'd like to see the spoils of war, err, I mean the Holiday check this out. Eric is much better about updating his site than I. We did venture out into the cold on Christmas Day to spend some time with family, after being spoiled by the parentals. Christmas Dinner was at my cousin's house, but we cleared the arrival of our puppy, Winston rather than just bringing him along. It was an experience for everyone involved. Seeing as I have no little ones toddling around the house they were quite a shock to Winston and their quick movements scared him...which caused him to bark...which caused them to cry...which caused him to bark. It was a bit of a vicious cycle until they all adapted to each other. Even the puppy had a good Christmas with presents from all sides of the family and lots of snuggles to go around. He was in puppy heaven.

New Year's Eve lead to a nice little turn out at our casa for a soiree. Again I have no pictures to prove or disprove the existence or said people or party. I really must learn to take pictures, rather than being absorbed in the goings on. Another flaw that I have when it comes to blogging. Who would have guessed there were so many?

Now, we've far past the middle of the month and the only thing I have to say for myself is that I worked a lot. I even suck so much that I didn't make any public displays of affection or anything on Eric's birthday. Nothing... I might have remembered to say "Happy Birthday" on the day, but I didn't get him anything or write him a sonnet or declare my love for the world to see, or read for that matter. Despite my lack of luster, his Birthday seemed enjoyable. On the day itself my parentals took us out for dinner, afterward, he did homework and I did work work. I know you're all very jealous of our exciting existence. We also got to dine at The Elevator with his dad and stepmother. Again I will not do the event justice, but you can check it out from the man himself.

Now its back to the daily grind of work...with a few random events splashed in to keep it lively.

Examples of random events this month include:
Installation of Building America's Canals Traveling Exhibit (I discovered this was my job at 8:30 that morning when I walked in the door. Good times.)
Random TV weather man stopping by to do an interview about a Flood in 1959 and hoping we had memorabilia. Weird.
Helping setup for a wedding reception at my place of employment and then having one of the guys invite me to attend said reception. Creepy.

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