Friday, September 12, 2008

Why I Never Blog...

So I’m going to be incredibly honest. I am hugely jealous of people that blog. I am jealous for many reasons, but mainly because they ALWAYS seem to have something to write. I feel there are actually very few things in my life that need to be preserved in written word, and to be honest I tell a story much better in person than in print. It’s the truth. I was meant to be seen and heard, but more than likely not read.

I am also sure that bloggers have far more determination than I do. Why? Because they take the time to write about things that are going on in their lives, in their towns, or even just inside their heads. As previously stated, though there are some events in my life that are worth recording (like a small child pooping on the floor at my museum) my life is generally quite calm and uninteresting to outsiders. The town I live in has a mayor I don’t respect, no movie theater, and a fairly high poverty rate, but there is a Wal-Mart within walking distance of my house. That fact alone makes it a little more bearable. Oh, and the fact that I work at a fairly cool (maybe only in my opinion) museum. While, there are many things that go on inside my head I fear it is a much too frightening a place for visitors.

It always strikes me that certain bloggers can pull me into their writing even when I don’t give a flying frick about their subject matter. That to me is just good writing. I however lack the talent of written word. I’ll admit it I’m a science major and vastly enjoyed my time in college. Though my college was liberal arts, which should mean I am a well-rounded citizen able to deliver on “all” levels, what it truly means is that I can bull shit like no other and not much else. I can deliver statistics and figures in a fabulous manner. I have sadly determined that these things are only exciting to true nerds like myself. Therefore, I will not bore you with them.

Blogging also seems to lead to people reading about your life, and sometimes leaving comments. While I do enjoy the voyeurism of reading other people’s blogs I will be entirely honest in that it freaks me out a little to have people I know nothing about reading about my life. I know this is sort of the point of having a blog, but I am a little behind the technology curve when it comes to “meeting people”. I’m all for meeting new people I just tend to prefer it occurring in person so I see if they might be a mass murdering adding me to their possible list of victims. Not that I think that is what everyone out there is doing…its just part of my overactive imagination. Before approaching any scenario I have played out any possible way I could determine for it to run in my head before even entering. I also blame that side effect on my majoring in science.

Now that I’ve told you all the reasons I never blog, you can look forward to my more than likely failed attempt to keep this one running. Enjoy while it lasts and don’t be too sad if it comes to an unceremonious end.


sarah cool said...

welcome to blogging rori! :) :)

Hadeshorn said...

Well, since you've lead me on so many other adventures, both with and without hermit crabs, drawing faces on my stomach and/or impersonations of coma victims, I figure why not let you lead me into blogging as well.

ettible said...

I feel so the opposite when it comes to recording my life. I know that none of it is ACTUALLY important, but it feel so important to me, especially years later when I get to read back over it and remember it and think, "I was so smart to write that down!" Even if you don't care for writing–though you obviously have talent–everyone loves a good photo entry with a couple of captions.

Hooray for new blogs!