Monday, August 2, 2010

Thank God those Skinny jeans are killing your...

There are a lot of things in fashion that I just don't get or just don't care about, but come on skinny jeans.  Everyone should agree that these things are awful.  No one looks good in skinny jeans.  You can argue with me all you want.  You're not going to change my mind. 

Even more confusing are the people that wear their skinny jeans at sagging height.  Don't tell me you've never seen this.  These are the people that have pants falling off their butts and yet still suction cupped to the rest of their body. 

The only thing that makes me slightly thankful for the skinny jean is that in the males of the species it should be killing off their ability to reproduce.  Thus less skinny jean wearing offspring in their future.

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