Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Conference Crazy...

Things that have occurred this week that are of note, but I cannot seem to get my get my mind to settle in one spot for long enough to turn them into a post. This would be another one of those reasons I am a poor example of a blogger. When things go crazy around me I get caught up in them and actually enjoy being entirely immersed. Though, there are times that I hate being this sort of person it has been incredible for this conference. I’ve spent the entire time totally immersed in developing relationships, developing programs, and developing my museum. While, this has been awesome for me I realize it has been very difficult for me to provide in a succinct manner for those of you that keep track of me via blog. I did also realize that blogging is difficult for me because not only do I tell a story better in person I also prefer the face time talking provides.

I’ll provide more at a later date but for now I will wrap the ASTC Conference up as…immense amounts of fun, incredible networking, making amazing friends and discovering I’m just at the tip of the iceberg for everything I want/need to accomplish, oh yeh, and my own personal hell of escalators EVERYWHERE!


Anonymous said...

Come Home Ro!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear your stories!