Monday, July 19, 2010

Stupid Commercials

I "watch" a lot of TV.  I use "watch" because though the TV is frequently on I rarely devote attention to watching the crap spewing forth from it...I use it as a sort of background noise that keeps me from going crazy in the quiet and occupies the dogs. 

However, I find that more and more there are things that annoy me when I look up for a random moment.  I fully admit when the TV is turned to some random network I cannot be annoyed by the programming I have "chosen" to watch. 

I do however feel justified in being fully annoyed by the commercials.  There are a ton of stupid commercials out there, but generally its the small things that make me hate them more. For example  this commercial is both terrible and has a small thing that really annoys me.  One side of the tube sock man is inexplicably larger than the other.  Why?  Are there extra layers on that side?  Is it two people in one costume?  Am I not supposed to notice that the tube sock creature's left leg is two times the size of his right? 

Well, skittles you fail.  I noticed and it annoys me and now I hate your commercial even more.

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