Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New You and Me

I don't normally let other people in on the goals or aspirations of my life, mainly because it means there are fewer people that know if I fall short. Disappointing others is one of my biggest fears so I find it easier to just keep them out of the loop. If I'm the only person who knows my goals then I'm the only person who knows if I fell short, but this year I'm trying to make myself more accountable. It is all too easy to let resolutions slip by the wayside if you keep them to yourself. So, this is me making myself accountable to all of you, well, the two of you that might still read this blog.

My resolutions for 2010 are:
1.) Continue to workout and achieve a BMI of 22 or lower. I wanted to set a weight goal, but the trainers at my gym told me that was unacceptable and I figure they know better.
2.) Run a 5K. I don't just want to complete a 5K I realize I could more than likely do that at this moment, but I want to run one. Call it part of my competitive nature.
3.) Keep track of the books that I read for a whole year and read at least one book a month.
4.) Write in this blog at least every other month. No promises on the quality, but I know I'm going to need to clear my brain from time to time and I intend to use this blog to hold those thoughts.

And here are the top ten most Popular New Year's Resolutions...Where do you fit in?


HolyJuan said...

Yea! You should make a few goals that you know you can do so that you can cross them off your list:

1. Reply to this comment
2. Pee only once in a day
3. Eat a whole meal made of red stuff

See! That second one might take some doing, or not doing, but you knock those off your list and you'll be in the D- range of goal completed.

Make the #4 to get a D- or better and you can cross four goals off!!

Wonder Monkey said...


While I am certain I could do 1 and 3 on your list I feel that peeing only once a day may be unattainable.

Could you please give me another option?

ettible said...


I would tell you how much you're disappointing me, but I don't want to pressure you.

Wonder Monkey said...

I really meant to write once a month, which I assume is still a disappointment, but better than what you've got in the past. No one else called me out on it. I'm trying to be better.