Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Well, if you look down through these posts, which you're probably not going to do because you thought I was dead and then this one randomly showed up in your feed, but if you were to look you'll see I spent an entire post "complaining" about the up and coming Google Wave and other services like it.

Here's where I admit the truth.

Even though I complain about the lack of real social interaction I often times prefer the safety net (strange that I would choose those words, however, they fit in this instance) of the internet between me and the outside world. It provides a little bit of a protective coating, sort of like the candy coating on an m&m, without it you'd just have melty gross chocolate, but with it you have a tasty morsel of candy goodness. The internet is like a protective coating for me...I can "talk" with people and never have them see that my hair isn't perfect, my shirt has a stain on it, or that I blush incredible amounts when I get embarrassed. All of which happen frequently, but back to my point. I am a hypocrite because I want to have all these one on one real world interactions, but only if I already know and trust you, otherwise I need that safety net.

Another reason I'm a hypocrite is pure and simple. I bashed Google Wave and then went and signed up for the trial. You got me. I bashed it and all things like it, but I'm a joiner pure and simple and I don't want to miss out on the next big thing. So, that being said...who wants one of my eight invitations to Google Wave. You know you want to try it! (I did.)


Aili said...

How did you get one???

Wonder Monkey said...

I actually have no idea how I got it, but I'll send you one. Do you want it sent to the Rosetta email or a gmail account. I don't know if I have that address. Let me know.