Saturday, November 22, 2008

Artistic License

So…I’ve got to admit that though there are times I am totally annoyed with the amount of work I need to get done in one day and other similar work issues my place of employment is generally pretty awesome. I work with some pretty cool people, and I get to do some amazing stuff. I already posted about going to ASTC, which was a fabulous time, but really I get to other cool stuff as well. I mean come on…they pay me to play with children all day and I don’t even have to follow state standards and teach them crap they don’t want to learn anyway. However, the main reason of this post is that I get to meet cool people that I would otherwise have never been exposed to.

Most notably this year is Paul Stankard.
For those of that aren’t sure who this is, he is basically the Godfather of Hand-blown Glass Paperweights! They are pretty freakin’ awesome, but I feel it would be wrong to own a paperweight that has the same value as half of my house. If I could pay off half of my house or own a paperweight I’m pretty sure I’d go for the house payment. Anyway, back to the story about Paul. Yes, you read correctly I am calling him Paul. I feel this is acceptable for many reasons, but mainly because he told me to. So there. :-p

He has been at my place of Employment since Thursday and will leave late tomorrow. We brought him in as an Artist in Residence and for an amazing Glass Art Show. 1.) His work is amazing. 2.) He has some awesome stories to share with the public. 3.) He’s super nice and down to earth. 4.) He autographed my book and congratulated me on my beautiful career (after having actually spoken to me about my career and how I got where I am today) 5.) He is slightly scatterbrained.

Yesterday I spoke with Paul for a very long time discussing many things about my place of employment and my job in-depth. He listened intently and responded and even hugged me when he left for the day. All in all pretty awesome and exciting experience. Today he comes in again for a Glassblowing Demonstration. (Unfortunately I was teaching a class and didn’t get to see this in person, but we taped the experience and it will be showing in our gallery along with the show.) I again got a chance to talk to Paul today and when he saw me he said, “What do you do here?” Thinking it had just slipped his mind because he’s met sooooooo many people and done sooooo many different things for us in the past two days I reminded him. I no sooner got the explanation out than he said, “I met someone yesterday who looked a lot like you and did the exact same thing.” I giggled thinking he was making a joke, but after looking at him a bit longer realized this was not true. I then explained to him he had met me yesterday. He informed me that girl he met yesterday had shorter blonde hair and did not wear glasses. I said “Yep, yesterday my hair was in a sloppy ponytail and I had contacts in…today I’m wearing braided pigtails and glasses. Still the same girl” He had to think about it for a while and then he said, “Well, then you’re very lucky.” And I said “Why?” Paul then informed me that I’m lucky because I am beautiful either way and that is a gift. I’m not sure if that was a just a genius cover or if he really just thinks I’m beautiful, but since I’m a girl and love to have my ego stroked I’m going with the latter. So, to reiterate Paul Stankard cannot remember me fully, but he thinks I’m beautiful so I’m counting it as a win.

1 comment:

Autumn said...

I love your new layout! So cool, I've never seen one like this. In case you need a reminder, you have a very cool job! :) I'm dying for Jake to go there so I can have him try to imitate your cool stuff!!