Sunday, October 5, 2008

Crew News

Recently my mother and I attended really good soccer game. Now I know many MANY people dislike soccer. It is my belief that people dislike the sport because they don’t understand it. I played soccer from age 7 to 21, and miss it every day that I’m off the field. Sadly if I attempted to play soccer I would probably die at a maximum of 15 minutes into the game. This horrible lack of physical ability does not detract from my love of the sport.

I can enjoy watching little kids play (the bumble bee theory of soccer) or the professionals. I will be one of the first to admit to you that the MLS is not always the best soccer. I will also freely admit that the MLS world thought David Beckham would save the sport. Honestly, it was like they thought of him as the second coming of Christ. He was going to save the world of soccer and walk on water all at the same time. I say all these things knowing that someone is going to disagree with me and you are certainly welcome to, but it is still my opinion.

However, the game I attended this weekend was sold out because of one Mr. David Beckham and I do not care to recount the number of times I heard he was dreamy. Here is also where I admit I have a slight crush on Mr. Beckham myself, but not for the normal reason. Most people have a crush on him because he is a sports icon, wears designer clothes and is a quite nice physical specimen. While all of these things are true of him you have to look deeper to understand my crush. I don’t ever care to see him in anything other than shorts a jersey and cleats as longs as there is a soccer ball around. I could watch his footwork all day every day. His touches on the ball are gorgeous and his passing is amazing, when he is on, but like everyone else he is not enough to make a team. Another player on his team that is quite lovely to watch play the game is Landon Donovan. Again near magical foot work, but none of this mattered to the majority of the spectators at Crew Stadium this past weekend. I venture to guess that the majority of them were there to look at David Beckham.

The game was fabulous despite the fact that I had to endure none stop chatter of “Is he too old for me?” “Wouldn’t we be cute together?” and “Did you see him!?!”. The Galaxy moved the ball and put passes together better than the Crew in my opinion, but the Crew came away with the win. They scored an amazing goal in the first half and held on for the win. It was great to see the soccer again!

Anyone know where I could be playing?

**Oddly enough it took two pages worth of pictures to find one of David Beckham actually playing soccer. You may judge for yourselves what that means.**


Autumn said...

Hey Rori! It was so fun to see you today. We wanted to say goodbye. I went back to say goodbye and you had gone around the corner with foxnews. Thanks for showing us the place. I hope your interview went well and I hope they didn't show me on tv! :)

Autumn said...

oh. And my response to the post. I love your reasons for liking David Beckham. Very cute. I miss soccer even though I'm not great. I think its such a fun game. Even on wii. :)